Thursday, February 10, 2005

What's the Buzz?

Whatever industry you work in, you've probably got a language of your own. A list of terms that are understood throughout your organization to mean certain things. A new hire will have to spend their first few months on the job figuring out that lexicon. These words, acronyms, and terms become a virtual symbol of belonging and while they can be annoying, they are unavoidable. But then there are the buzz words. The backbone of bullshit bingo, if you will. Words or expressions that pop up in a meeting once or twice and then metastasize throughout the organization until they become ubiquitous. I actually once was in a meeting and heard someone utter the words "folks, we are living this in real time". Since then, I've heard this phrase repeated several times. How else, exactly, can one live something? Can you experience something in fake time? NO, YOU CAN'T. How does a thinking person with a reasonable mastery of the English language find themselves uttering such nonsense? Even worse, how does a person with a modicum of intelligence hear such a saying and think "I'm going to have to use that one"? Stop the madness! Say what you mean. Instead of telling people to "think outside the box" why not say "let's be creative" or, better yet, suggest an original idea. Don't "utilize" or "leverage" things. "Use" and "re-purpose" them, like the rest of the world does. You don't sound smarter through your parroting of every business book ever written. You sound like an ass and some of us are on to you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I use "modicum of intelligence"?

3:48 PM  

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