Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Love and the Workplace

I saw the cheaters come in to work together today. He's married, she isn't and everyone seems to "know" that they are getting it on. Rumour has it someone once walked in on the act but as I have never witnessed it, I can't say for sure. Part of me thinks if you were having an affair, you wouldn't be so blatant to walk in together every morning. But, then again, my experience is limited here. Anyway, the worst part of it is that the idea of sleeping with either of them is really unappealing. I think only attractive people should have affairs. I mean, if you have bad posture, a lisp, glasses and a shit personality, shouldn't you thank the stars that you found a wife and keep your pants on? Conversely, is it so bad to be single that someone would chose to be a side dish to said slouching, lispy, bore rather than the main meal to someone with a limp? Hard to say. Of course, he probably doesn't know he has a bad personality and she might have lost faith that her limping prince is somewhere out there. I was going to ask but instead, I simply complimented her on her coat, and walked in to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Tits - tell us who it is!!

Me - not YOU

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Titswiggles,

I liked your take on Love and the Workplace. I have recently become involved with my boss (secretly) but while on a secret rondezvous I swear I saw one of my co-workers peering at us through the window. I mentioned it to the boss and he says he's going to fire her but being a good Christian, I'm not so sure that's the right thing to do. How do we silence the spy and carry on the office relationship?

6:07 AM  
Blogger Ms. Titswiggle said...

Dear Anonymous Good Christian (aren't you all?),

If your boss is willing to fire someone because that individual saw you getting it on and might compromise your ability to continue doing so, I'd say the odds are pretty good that you'll be next to go as soon as your boss gets bored with diddling you. Update your resume. You'll need it.

6:38 AM  

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